Employees from top brands trust MS3D Academy

Rimac Automobile
Coventry University
General Motors

Why should you believe in this

  • 30 Hours Detailed Videos

    Enjoy growing your skills in Autodesk Alias, the most professional 3D car modeling software in automotive industry.

  • Online Coaching Sessions

    All students will be supported until the end of the course through online sessions. Talents are ready to help you to be the best!

  • Job Application Support

    We help you to start working with Alias, go ahead to professional skills of car 3D modeling and apply for a job. Alias modelers can earn up to 120,000€ annually!

Learning Camp Description

This is the first ever world wide Alias learning camp! Students who join this camp will learn everything about Alias Nurbs Modeling and will be supported until they get a job in automotive industry or design studios. We have partnerships with different brands and design studios and they will hire our top students proudly.

The course includes basic Autodesk Alias tutorials with full explanations for all lessons along with great topics for learning 3D car modeling. Explanations are in English and all students even with a basic knowledge of English can easily understand what the mentor is saying and follow tutorials.

We teach you how to start with Nurbs in 3D car modeling with a full detailed exterior car body project of Audi RS3 Sedan 2022 car with A Class quality. We start from actual zero (installation) to finally reach a clean A Class Nurbs surface model of the mentioned car.

The camp lessons are already released and available for those who purchased.

With this course, you can master Alias NURBS in 30 days.
Please check Free Preview to know more.

Why Audi RS3 2022?

Audi RS3 Sedan 2022 is a complex car as a 3D model. That's why we chose this car to have such nice details to work on. The path you have to follow to raise the 3D Alias model of the car and the way you have try to check the continuity and surface quality is very important to learn through this wonderful course.
Learn Alias Modeling

Why Learning Camp?

There are many advantages why everyone prefers a 30 days online camp to any other courses or tutorials. First of all, online camp means students have access to the lessons anytime they have an internet connection. Another thing is students will have lifetime access to camp lessons. The mentor is always available and will guide students directly if they had any problems. Talking with the mentor with an online meeting is also possible. Top students will be forwarded to MS3D Training Center to gain more experiences like an online internship.
Learn Alias Modeling

Camp Lessons

    1. Alias Basics 1 | Alias Interface

    2. Alias Basics 2 | Curve Tools

    3. Alias Basics 3 | Operation Tools

    4. Alias Basics 4 | Surface Tools

    5. Alias Basics 5 | Analyzing Tools

    6. More Basic Tips

    1. Audi RS3 Sedan 2022 3D Model

    2. Blueprints

    1. What is Preference Set?

    2. Preference sets

    1. Chapter 0

    2. Chapter 0 wire file

About this course

  • €600,00
  • 66 lessons
  • 25 hours of video content

Why Online Learning Platform

  • Save The Nature

    Online learning will cause less tree cutting, less energy wasting, less garbage and happy environment.

  • Anywhere Anytime Anyone

    Anyone who has access to the internet can access the lessons online for lifetime.

  • Certification

    We send a valid certification to all students who finished the course successfully.

  • Learn Together

    Students can join this course in group and learn Alias from zero together.

  • Online Internship

    We have a training center to help our top students get ready for paid projects in future.

  • Trusted contents

    Many employees from big brands and companies like Audi joined our courses.

About Mentor

Mohammad Sadra Babaei

Mohammad has extensive experience as a car modeler. After several year of working as lead car modeler and doing many projects for clients, Mohammad knows the in's and out's of car modeling and its challenges. He is passionate about teaching, simplifies complicated concepts for students and show how to build a model from scratch step by step.

Student Reviews

Audi RS3 2022 Course

This learning platform is nice, easy and trustworthy. Join the course and access all the contents after purchasing.

Other Nurbs Alias Modeling Courses

Read More About Alias

You can visit our website to read more about Autodesk Alias, Nurbs and Subd modeling, Class A and many more below.